School Lunches
We are very fortunate to have our own kitchen at Oakhill Church School the kitchen offers delicious cooked meals using fresh ingredients, locally sourced where possible. They offer a choice of 3 meals every day, including meat and vegetarian meals and the option of a salad.
All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals, from Year 3 and up a hot meal and pudding costs £2.60 per day.
The school kitchen needs to know how many children will be having lunch before they place the weekly food order and lunches for the following week must, therefore, be ordered and paid for in advance on ParentPay by midnight every Wednesday.
The menu is available to view on ParentPay. Lunches must be ordered and paid for on ParentPay by midnight on Wednesdays for the following week.
If your child has ordered lunch and is absent from school you must email the school office on [email protected] by 9.30am in order for a credit to be given. Any emails received after this time will result in you being charged for your child’s lunch! Although they receive a free school meal, you should also notify the kitchen of the absence of KS1 children in order for the correct amount of meals to be cooked that day. Please remember to call the kitchen each morning of your child’s absence. You should telephone the kitchen direct on 01749 841013 to cancel their lunch.
All children in KS1 and Reception are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. Please register if you have not already done so – forms available from the school office or can be downloaded.
Even if your child is in KS2 you may be entitled to free school meals – please download the letter from Somerset County Council.
Packed Lunches
Oakhill Church School has a healthy eating policy. We ask that children who bring packed lunches should aim to include all food groups in their lunchbox as does school meals. NO chocolate bars, chocolate biscuits or sweets are permitted in lunchboxes. We also ask that only one item of processed food is included as these can contain extremely high levels of salt, sugar or fat. We are grateful for your support in helping your child to be healthy, active and happy!